John Cabot

Background: John Cabot, an English explorer was born in the year of 1450. In 1497 , John Cabot an Italian sea captain sailed under the English flang and touched the coast of North America as his second voyage. He had 3 voyages in total. Cabot was the first European to set foot on the North American continent after the Viking explorer Leif Ericson.

His Italian name was Giovanni Caboto. He was born in Genoa, Italy  around 1450. He became a merchant in Venice, after his family moved there. He was married to Mattea and he was Roman Catholic. He had 3 kids, Ludovico, Sbastian,and Sancto. He died in 1499 in England.

Accomplishments: He visited Mecca on one of his trading voyages(today Saudi Arabia). Spices and other goods from Europe and Asia were and sold at this great trade center.
Cabot went back to England where he was backed up for an ocean voyage by the English King, Henry VII. He sailed from Bristol in May, 1497 with 18 crew members on a small ship named the Mathew. The purpose of this voyage was to find a quicker way to reach Asia. Instead on June 24, he landed close to probably Newfoundland or Cape Breton Island, (today Canada). He thought he had reached the northeast coast of Asia and reported back to the king.
On the second voyage in 1498, Cabot sailed back to Newfoundland and their went South to Chesapeake Bay. Then the storms wrecked most of his ships. One ship made it to the Carribean Sea.

This is John Cabot.

Impact on World Today:  John Cabot's discovery became the basis for the English claim to North America. Like Columbus, Cabot believed that the Earth was roundand that he could reach Asia by sailing West across the Atlantic Ocean. His inspiration into finding a faster and better route to reach Asia, led other explorers including his son, Sebastian Cabot, to keep exploring and searching for northeast passages to Asia.

This is John Cabot's journey.


 1) Incorperated, Grolier. The New Book of Knowledge C, Page 3. Danbury, Connecticut: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1987


2) Think Quest. (online).


3) NNBD tracking the entire world. (online).

 This is John Cabot's ship, the Mathew.

By: Leticia Class

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